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Chowchilla Spring Festival

Spring Festival Parade

The Spring Festival is a grand tradition celebration that includes a parade, a large deep pit barbecue and a queen coronation that has been a part of Chowchilla since 1946. This popular annual event always occurs in conjunction with the Chowchilla Madera County Fair which is always the third weekend in May.

The Spring Festival Parade takes place at 10:00 a.m. on the Saturday morning of the Fair. The 2022 Spring Festival Parade will be presented on Saturday, May 21st. It travels down Robertson Boulevard from 15th Street down to First Street. You'll see many participants from schools, clubs, churches, and businesses make their way down the boulevard with grand sights and sounds for the large crowds that line the main thoroughfare in Chowchilla.

The parade is always held on Armed Forces Day and boasts a very large military display for the parade-goers. Military vehicles of all sizes can be found rumbling their way down the parade route. As a matter of fact, the Spring Festival Parade is the largest military parade throughout the state.

Local marching bands perform their most exciting music selections while floats create a scenic extravaganza as they pass by. The Police Department and City Council come out to participate in this event along with several other businesses who volunteer their time, their classic cars, and their talent. You'll also see local queens and their courts riding down Robertson Blvd. in beautiful cars.

Parade trophies are awarded that afternoon at the fairgrounds for the winning bands, floats, cars, and other original creations. For further information, you may leave a message for the Spring Festival Committee at 559-665-4501.

Deep Pit BBQ -
A Chowchilla Fair Tradition!

The most popular event of the festival is the traditional barbeque that takes place after the parade on the Saturday of the Fair. The festival committee starts preparing the meat in advance to slow cook in large deep pits for many hours which makes it extraordinarily delicious. The Spring Festival Committee and many volunteers strive to make the annual event a family affair with great food and a large, shady picnic area for great conversation. Tickets are just $15.00 and include admission into the Fair until 2pm.

This is no small barbeque. Over 6,000 hungry people are served in 2 to 3 hours! The recipe for a successful Spring Festival barbeque includes: 9,000 pounds of meat -- 1,200 pounds of beans -- 1,000 pounds of salad -- AND YOU!!

If you have questions for the Spring Festival Committee regarding tickets or the parade please contact Paula Hansen at 559-223-4108, Stacy Ellison at 559-706-5329 or Mary Carr at 559-246-9605.

Mailing Information: Spring Festival Committee PO Box 457
Chowchilla, CA 93610

Spring Festival Pageant

Queen Coronation

Local Chowchilla young ladies compete for the title of Spring Festival Queen. The crowned queen is the individual who sells the most tickets for the barbecue. The coronation occurs on the Saturday evening of the Fair where all candidates are introduced. The reigning queen is on hand to pass on the title to the newest winner who will represent the community in events and promote the festival in the coming year. The contest is open to young women who reside in Chowchilla. For more information on how to become a candidate for this year's festival, contact Paula Hansen at 559-223-4108, Stacy Ellison at 559-706-5329 or Mary Carr at 559-246-9605.

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